Pakistan: Sailing in two boats

“Islamic Republic of Pakistan”, yes its the complete name of our beloved country, and what does it apparently suggest? It is an Islamic state where Government will be elected by majority of the public, and those elected will form the constitution of the country. But those Laws should be with in the limits of Islamic knowledge or “Sharia”, as it’s an Islamic state. So, we are trying to implement Islamic Laws but by following the democratic approach; where majority is the authority. Do you think its possible?

Lets briefly examine both approaches to answer this question. Sharia tells us to have a pious leader as a supreme authority, and he would be the ultimate authority to approve or reject the suggestions given by the advisories, in short his words are the constitution.But problem arose with the word “Pious”, there are too much pious “Mullahs” in our society that its kind of impossible to find a supreme among them. Now to eradicate this issue we moved on to democracy.

Now democracy suggests us to vote the persons from the society as your representatives to formulate the constitution of our state, and it should must preserve the Rights of the minorities. It sounds quite nice, but complications begin when its come to the way of formulating Laws. Democracy allows to pass any bill as Law which is approved by the majority of the representatives, but what about the resolutions like homosexual marriages, female’s equal inheritance, domestic violence acts, bank interest? Remember we have to maintain our state Islamic as well and such laws somehow violates Islamic boundaries, so they must not be the part of our constitution.

It seems we are in a serious problem, neither we are purely Islamic nor Democratic. It confuses the nation, whether to idealize nations like U.S.A or Briton or Islamic states like Saudi Arabia or Bahrain. Its true both boats have their own problems but at least sailing a boat is much easier and intuitive than two.

Senses That Defines You..!

We have been listening that human beings are blessed with five senses, and these senses mainly defines our activities. But I have a different point of view regarding this perception. Its right that we have five senses and with them we can feel the things around us, but out of them only two senses are responsible of our actions and those two senses actually defines our personality.

Lets have an example of a scenario, just like you are standing at a railway platform with your friend. You and your buddy will definitely be witnessing same environment around you, so your eyes are on equal level. Same goes with your ears and nose as you must be hearing and smelling the same. Now after sensing the same environment, what your brain thinks is to be illustrated by your limbs and tongue(words) only, and that reaction can be different from your friend’s.

Well in some conditions your response can be felt with your eyes, but unfortunately it can only happen if you are blessed with beautiful eyes. But in most cases it doesn’t happen, and our tongue and limbs have to react to the situation. While, the other three senses are only responsible for collecting information around us. So that’s why, we must think a lot before putting our tongue and limbs in someone’s affair.